Ceres Magazine Issue 3 - Spring 2016 | Page 25

Ceres:  Are you aware that the beginning of the 1800's was a time where feminists were starting to emerge following in the footsteps of Mary Wollstonecraft?  


Rosalind:  Yes, I was aware that it was a transitioning period.  

Ceres:  Are you more of an activist feminist or conservative romantic?  


Rosalind:  I am more of an activist feminist…Women are vulnerable in times of conflict, as their bodies become battlefields. We, as women, are still underestimated and underpaid in the workplace, too.  

Ceres:  Do you have a message that you would want to share with other women.  

Rosalind:  As a woman, you should always have self-respect, and never let a man or anyone diminish your self-esteem. Don’t take negative people’s comments to heart because, most of the time, they are just saying what they feel about themselves. Stay positive and surround yourself with people that will not judge, but will always be supportive of you. Your life is the reflection of your thoughts.

When you change your thought, you'll change your inner feelings and behaviors. Everything in life happens for a reason. God doesn’t close one door without opening another one. Just prepare for what you pray for. Love, and have faith in God!!! 

Rosalind Moore. Photo courtesy: Rosalind Moore.

Al Mohymont

For Ceres Magazine

Ceres Magazine is looking for content writers, editors and photographers.

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Email at: al@ceresmagazine.com

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25 | Ceres Magazine | Spring 2016